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Turncoat Max and Mini June 28,29 and 30

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Turncoat Max and Mini June 28,29 and 30 Empty Turncoat Max and Mini June 28,29 and 30

Message  magictobe Jeu 6 Juin 2019 - 12:15

A crazy, must attend bloodbowl tournament.

Adress :
Ijzeren hand 16
9910 Ursel

(Friday June 28th 10pm till Saturday June 29th 10pm)
Snacks starting from 9pm Hot dogs
Games start at 10pm.
11 games
Games 1,3,5,7,9,11 you play with your team.
Games 2,4,6,8,10 you play with opponents team.

(Sunday 30th of june)
GAME 1 : 9 am - 11 am (your team)
GAME 2 : 11.15 am - 1.15 pm (opponent's team)
GAME 3 : 2 pm - 4 pm (your team)
GAME 4 : 4.15 pm - 6.15 pm (opponent's team)
Award ceremonie

1.15 million gps
TV 1150
Goblins can take a max of 3 bribes at 50k
Halflings can buy masterchef at 100k.
Star players allowed. You must have 11 players before adding star players. All star players (new and old) are allowed with exception for the kicking ogre.
All inducements are allowed (babe, cards, wizard,...) The cards are the CRP cards. Wizard is CRP wizard.
No special coaches allowed from deathzone 2.

Tier 1 : dwarves, chaos dwarves, lizardmen, orcs, undead, skaven, norse, dark elves, wood elves, amazones
3 normal skills

Tier 2 : high elves, pro elves, human, necromantic, Bretonnian
4 normal skills

Tier 3 : slann, chaos pact, underworld, khemri, chaos, nurgles, vampires, Khorne
4 normall skills and 1 double

Tier 4 : goblins, halflings, ogres
4 normall skills and 2 double

Points system
5 pts for a win with 2+TD difference
4 pts for a win with 1 TD difference
2 pts for a draw
1 pt for a loss with 1TD difference
0 pts for a loss with 2+ TD difference

Tie Breaker will be # wins, # draws, oppontents score, Net CAS, net TD.

Everyone will receive a tournament figure.

There is a raffle between all mini players for a free ticket of madhobbit tournament in the netherlands (Only for non-Dutch players)
Turncoat trophee for first place for max and mini.
Prices for first, second and third place.
Prices for most td, most cas.

Turncoat Max 75 euro (4 meals, drinks, and mini are included)
Turncoat MINI 25 euro (Spaghetti, drinks, mini are included)
Tuncoat package deal 95 euro (6 meals, drinks, and mini are included)
If you pay before 17th of June there is a 5 euro discount on the max or duo entrance fee.

Payment details
Or friendly payment on paypal bart.verstuyft@gmail.com
Or banc transfer to BE97 0837 3151 0749 (name Bart Verstuyft)

The tournament takes 24 hours. Starting at evening time so many peoples will be awake for 36 hours. Everyone can stay for sleepover. I don't want people to have to go by car after 36 hours of being awake.
Please take your own materials to have a night sleep because I will not have enough beds. Some will be able to sleep over at my place but I can imagine that they will be taken quickly. There will always be room to sleep at the venue. This will be low profile. (If you want a bed and more luxury I can advise you to some "Bed and Breakfasts" in the area) The tournament moved to summer time so a tent in the garden is an option.
Breakfast in the morning is included.

Subscriptions :

Turncoat Max :
1. Bart Verstuyft - Magictobe - Belgium
2. Jan Verstuyft - Earbender (spare player) - Belgium
3. Peterd Bowl - Peterd - Germany
4. Vincent van Dam - Vinz - The Netherlands
5. Nico Vermeiren - Belgium
6. Jesper Kervin Franke - Denmark
7. Andreas Pe - Germany
8. Buller Helsingørsen - Denmark
9. Troels Østergaard Nielsen - Denmark
10. Peter Nethan Henriksen - Denmark
11. Francisco Javier Hernández Gasulla - Spain

Turncoat Mini :
1. Bart Verstuyft - Magictobe
2. Jan Verstuyft - Earbender (spare player)
3. Peterd Bowl - Peterd
4. Vincent van Dam - Vinz
5. Nico Vermeiren
6. Andreas Pe - Germany
7. Fabian Vansant
8. Buller Helsingørsen - Denmark
9. Troels Østergaard Nielsen - Denmark
10. Peter Nethan Henriksen - Denmark
11. Sylvain Baggins - France
12. Mil Sprangers - Belgium
13. Christof Simons - Belgium
14. Rune Simons - Belgium
15. Arne Simons - Belgium
16. Tine Wouter - Belgium
17. Tijs Elsen - Belgium
18. JCphoenix - Belgium
19. Pelo ici - Belgium
20. Jesper Kervin Franke - Denmark
21. Timothée Meert - Belgium
22. Nick Anne - Belgium
23. David wallenus - Belgium
24. Sammy Mannaert - Belgium

Turncoat Max and Mini June 28,29 and 30 59285811

Messages : 65
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2013

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Turncoat Max and Mini June 28,29 and 30 Empty Re: Turncoat Max and Mini June 28,29 and 30

Message  magictobe Jeu 13 Juin 2019 - 19:17

Le tournoi Turncoat de l'année prochaine aura lieu du vendredi 13 mars au dimanche 15 mars 2020.

Messages : 65
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2013

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